Meet Holly Pritulsky of American Family Insurance - Arizona Branch

HollyPritulsky Branch Sales Manager
Arizona Branch - American Family Insurance

How many years have you been in business? 
20 Years

What product or service do you offer?
Insurance - Home, Life, Auto, Business, Campers, Motorhomes, Mexico Auto, Renters, Farm and Ranch

What makes your business different, competitive, or unique?
Our office is the only corporately ran insurance agency office in the state of Arizona. What makes us unique that we have and can offer a large variety of services AND offer a terrific meeting space for free at our office location. This makes it easy for groups that meet during the day and need a location on the south boarder of Gilbert and Chandler easy to locate.

What is the nicest thing a customer has ever said about your business?
We have many 5 star reviews on our google page, but what I like most about what people say about our business is that when a client of mine was stuck by the side of the road, and it was about 115 degrees outside, and they were elderly, I ran and picked them up while they were waiting for a tow service, and put them in my AC car. They were so over the moon about assisting them that way, they came into my office and brought lunch for the team and insisted they record a video about the experience. That was lovely! But, more so, it was the right thing to do!

How has your business found value in your membership with the Gilbert Chamber?
I have been a avid supporter of the Chamber for 10 years. My journey started in Gilbert Leadership, and expanded and grew from there. I now have lead a referral team, been the lead for some of the groups in the Chamber, and now proudly sponsor the Leadership Graduation. I think the Chamber has contributed to not only my business growing, but assisted with helping me grow personally and professionally. I will have life long friends because of the chamber!

What motivates you professionally?
MY CLIENTS AND MY TEAM! Not only do I get to learn about my clients personally but I get to also learn about their goals and fears! That's a trust I will never forget. My team is outstanding. I hope that they find working with me just as exhilarating as I find working with them!

What do you consider to be your greatest success?
Obviously, my family! I am very proud of them! They to give back to the community and have great fun exploring how to make Gilbert the best place to live and play.

Who do you look up to or admire?
There are a lot of people I look up to! I have had some great mentors in my life. And, I have been lucky that A LOT of people have supported me through my years in business and community service. My sister has been a big influence in my life. She and I were the first sister duo to graduation Gilbert Leadership together! My best friend was awarded Teacher of the Year from HUSD from the Chamber in 2019. She is a terrific influence in my life.

When you're not working, where in Gilbert do you spend your time?
I love to give back to my community! So, I serve on the Town of Gilberts Parks and Recreation Board. And, I also serve on as the President of the Gilbert Historical Society - home of HD South - Gilbert Museum. Those endeavors take a lot of my time. But, I recently took a class to learn pickleball, and oh boy... I can see why this has become a great hobby for a lot of people!